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What Makes John Wick One of the Best Action Movies Ever?

What Makes John Wick One of the Best Action Movies Ever?

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Keanu Reeves has always been everyone’s heartthrob. From his “breathtaking” speech about Cyberpunk to his movies such as Speed and The Devil’s Advocate. While Keanu has starred in many diverse movies, one movie will always stand out from the rest, and that is the John Wick trilogy. You may watch John Wick online on platforms such as Amazon Video, but for that, you need to make sure your internet is fast enough to stream the movies flawlessly. For that matter, you should check out Comcast internet which is already popular in the country for its brilliant services. 

Coming back to what makes John Wick such a brilliant movie to watch, here are some points you need to keep in mind before you watch the movie:

The Perfect Vengeance Story

So, John is a retired assassin who gives up the profession after he gets married. He is pulled back into the business when a mafia boss’ son murders his dog. Imagine that this movie is based on a revenge story, all for a puppy. This is because the puppy is a gift to John before some unforeseen circumstances and the puppy holds a lot of emotional value for him. John feels like his world is snatched from him, which is why he sets out to seek revenge. The movie itself is very thrilling and once you find out why John is looking for vengeance, it makes the movie even better. 

If you are someone who enjoys a good revenge story but isn’t really inclined towards the kind that is directed towards a man seeking revenge for his dead significant other, then this is the kind of movie that you need to watch. 

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The Perfect Vengeance Story

All the Amazing Fight Sequences

John Wick isn’t all about gun action and bullets, it’s a lot more than that. One of the key features of the movie is how John is well-trained in different forms of martial arts and when he doesn’t have his guns, he kills people with his fists and skills. It is famous about John that he once killed a man with nothing else but a pencil, and we also get to see that in the trilogy, but just once. 

Since John Wick is the perfect combination between guns and hand-to-hand combat, this fighting style was coined “Gun-Fu” and John Wick has always given a lot of emphasis to Gun-Fu. Not only is it John’s character but it is also Keanu’s dedication to the character that brings it to life. There are some very iconic fight sequences in the movie, such as John against literally the world at the start of the third part of the trilogy. 

A More Realistic Approach to Combat

Not only are the fight sequences fun to watch but you can actually tell that a lot of effort had gone into choreographing the fights. For the coordinator, the main choreographer for the fights was Jonathan Eusebio, who made sure every fight was as realistic as possible. In the movie, not only is John beating up other people but we also see John himself get heavily injured as well, however, him being a man of sheer will, he keeps striving on. We watch John get shot, get stabbed, punched, kicked, and whatnot. Another brilliant element of the movie is how John takes his sweet time reloading his weapons.
Unlike other movies that apparently have unlimited ammo, John has to make his bullets count. He exchanges guns, he reloads every time he gets the chance.

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Moments You Would Never Forget

There are some moments in the movie that has been so nicely shot, you will never forget them. Such a moment is when John goes to the Red Circle, a famous nightclub, where the man is who killed his dog. The entire fight and gun sequence there is so good that it leaves an impact on the person who is watching the movie. If you watch the movie close enough, you would notice that John times his gunshots with the beat of the music so that he would mask the noise of his gun, which is pretty incredible and creative if you think about it. Another memorable moment is when the third part of the movie picks off after the end of the second. It is enough to give everyone a rush of adrenaline as the audience tries to figure out what John’s next move is going to be. 

Wrapping Up

If you are someone who is a fan of watching action movies and want something that is out of the box, then the John Wick Trilogy should definitely be your go-to movie. It has the kind of action that would have you on the edge of your seat and you would keep asking for more as each scene progresses. The movie has been way ahead of its time ever since it first came out, and it should definitely be on your list of movies to watch!

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